Sunday, December 7, 2014

Why I want to be like Mary

This morning, in my time at the Temple, I decided to read the Bible situated next to me.  I scanned through its pages. It reminded me of one day in the mission because of rain storms we were forced to stay in doors, and the day that we actually had power, I read the entire book of John in Spanish.
So, today I decided to read Luke.

It was easy to read about Mary. I now really love her, and really desire to be like her. I think she has much to teach us--between women. She clearly is one of my heroes.
She exemplifies Christlike attributes that we learned about in Young Women's :
Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice & Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.

Her Faith: When an angel of the Lord came to speak to her, she didn't question of his reality, she immediately believed. She immediately obeyed by accepting his declaration. Most of all, I am sure she didn't understand every detail that would entail with her future mission. She probably couldn't comprehend or see the future, but, nevertheless she obeyed, she accepted, she was willing. Our faith increases after we act. And I am so glad she had faith.

Her Divine Nature:  Mary was not carelessly chosen to be the mother of Jesus. She must have been such a valiant spirit since her creation. She was highly favoured, blessed art thou.

Luke 1:28 "And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." Read the rest here

Her Individual worth : To have individual worth, you strive fully seek to fulfill the mission given to you. I think Mary had great individual worth because she also made others feel of worth, especially by loving and helping her cousin Elisabeth. 

Her Knowledge: It says that after arriving at Elisabeth's place, that she quoted several prophecies. She had a scriptural knowledge, but also a spiritual knowledge. She had to have a deep well of spiritual experiences in order to respond so willingly to a call so unexpected. 

Her Choice & Accountability : I am grateful for the choices made by Mary all throughout her life--that kept her worthy to accept this holy calling--that was she was preordained for. I often think about my parents--and how they kept God's commandments all through their life that allowed them to be married for eternity in the Temple. Its our daily choices that can effect us for eternity. Mary clearly understood this--and because of her constant choices, we are blessed today. "Blessed art thou among women." (for she truly is!)

Her Good Works: Immediately after Gabriel's announcement to her, she goes to Elisabeth's place to help take care of her for three full months. That is a long time. I know I have gone to my sisters houses to help take care of their kids for no more than a week, and I am tired and exhausted. But imagine how Mary must've felt, her emotions, her heavy heart, feeling, I'm sure very unqualified for her mission. She served at the very earliest inconvenience, that is true charity. 

Her Integrity: I can imagine, as she walked the roads of Palestine, a few heads might have turned, knowing she was a virgin. But she remained faithful, ever faithful. I think this shows the integrity (pureness) of her heart to love Heavenly Father, and His plan for her, Jesus Christ, and all of God's children. I want to remain firm like Mary. 

Her Virtue: It was her purity that qualified her for this sacred calling. Had she not remained pure, she would have forfeited this privilege and blessing for all of us. I am grateful for Mary. How many times are we tempted daily by Satan to be alittle less kind, less loving, get angry, not be positive, forget our faith, judge others, hate ourselves, ignore the Holy Ghost. Doing everything that is right adds to our virtue--she was completely virtuous and I am so grateful. Even when it was easier to do wrong, she did right. Living like that, will make us completely confident to stand before God. 

I am grateful for Mary. I am grateful for her love for God and His plan, because today, I have her example, but most of all I have a love for Jesus Christ, who makes me completely happy. 

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Maira Gall