Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The REAL Call

Each day I get more and more excited to serve. The reality of me leaving in a few months (fingers crossed) to serve makes me think, I only have a few more months to prepare. Am I ready?

This thought reminds me of the quote by President Monson, "When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation has passed." I realized although I don't have the Bible Dictionary memorized, and I don't remember every scripture mastery, and I get lost on the order of the last books of the Old Testament....I do know that I know enough right now. I have a testimony that I know its true and a strong desire to know more--so that is enough. "You know Enough" is a great talk to read by Elder Anderson.

My other thought: The REAL Call.
Although I recognize this call from the prophet came at a great time for me, it didn't come at the most convenient time for others. Some so immersed in a school program, an internship, or job that won't allow them to leave.  I can't quite understand the pain they feel right now because of their great desire to serve but for external reasons, can't. Serving a mission is great--but the real call is as a mother and father. We are serving the Lord then just as much as when we are called on a full time mission. The Family: A Proclamation to the World states our specific roles in these callings. And truthfully, the Lord gives us investigators (children), who we teach and serve for years and years and years, and my Husband will be able to baptize them, and truthfully, I'll have my most favorite missionary companion--and the best part, no transfers. So, even if you don't get to serve to serve a mission at 19, as mothers we are blessed to serve the best mission---and make our homes a Pre-Missionary Training Center for our children.

I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it. 

1 comment

  1. Emily, thank you for this! You're too cute, and you'll make a fabulous missionary!! :)


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