Thursday, October 18, 2012

good intentions...

 i have really great intentions sometimes. 
:: like wanting to write that thank you card for someone, welp, two weeks ago.
:: or when i was going to be a runner....a month ago.
:: or when I was going to study really hard after class everyday....
:: or how i've been thinking how i need to update my blog with real events soon...
:: or when i was going to stop buying chocolate chips (its like a non-mormons coffee)
:: or when i was going to wash my sheets more than once a semester (did i just type that?)
:: or when i promised myself i'd stop buying granola bars in the vending machines....yesterday.
:: or when i was going to stop being late for my 8am class....1 month ago.
:: or when i was going to pack a lunch and dinner, so i could stay on campus to study and not waste money.

oh the woes of me. 
so shoot me if i have great intentions but not always fulfilling them.
at least they're good intentions.
and not intentions to make someone mad, angry, or frustrated (although don't we do that without thinking sometimes)?

but in the mean time, i'll forget about my intentions and make small tiny attainable goals one at a time instead. 

**random fact for the day: my feet have always been freezing. for some reason i thought this was a sign of diabetes, or am i making this up? but where i, church, home, my feet are frigid. 
too bad for my poor husband, i'll have to tell him "i have cold feet." (get it? :)

i'll leave you with a pretty picture from google of the Provo Canyon during the fall. Looks like i need to make a visit up there. any recommendations on where to go provo-ites?

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Maira Gall