Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I met President Uchtdorf

If you are any sort of follower of my Facebook profile--you know that social network--that is all the rage these days. Well....I posted something like this.

April 25, 2012
Did I just stop and talk to President Deiter F. Uchtdorf while walking home from work, today? Yes, yes, indeed I did.

I was walking home from work when I saw my good friend Conner House. We sat on a bench and talked for a bit. I was packing up to leave when I noticed an older gentleman ahead of me with a few other people. I began speaking my thoughts out loud and I said, "Conner, is that President Uchtdorf?" After a few careful minutes of analysis we concluded it was. We hurried and walked over to the general area of where he was standing with his family. He didn't come and talk to us (shocker), so we just followed them, and when they didn't hear us because they were all speaking German, we quickened our step to be in stride with them and I as polietly as I could said to President Uchtdorf, "Can i just say hello?" And he was like, "of course!" I shook hands with all of his family and told him where I was from. After about a minute he said, "well I wish you all the best," and with a pat on my shoulder they went on their way.

And with became the best day ever. I forgot to tell him that i had just listened to two of his general conference talks today...oh well. :)

Little did I know that literally 2 minutes after my occurrence with President Uchtdorf I had a really bad bike really bad, but its okay. I think the bike and I are still working. I was in so much pain I wanted and needed to cry, but I couldn't because I was sooo happy. It was a weird mix of emotions.

So, lets just remember April 25th as one of the best days ever.


  1. Good for you for having the courage to go up to him and say hello! Sorry about the bike accident! Hope you're OK. (:


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Maira Gall