Monday, July 18, 2011

forget BYU, I go to Hogwarts

‎13 years, 3407 pages, 17 hrs and 48 minutes, the end is almost here.
can you believes it?

My childhood has ended as we close the last Harry Potter Book. 
I grew up with Harry. 
I wanted to be Harry.
I was in love with Harry. 
And now its over. memory of my childhood, let us all remember the great and powerful influence Harry Potter had on my life. 
 we waited for 2.5 hours in the movie theatre for it to start. thats dedication.
 despite what you think...i was suppose to be punching the popcorn, in reference to a hilarious movie you all need to watch at the end of this post. it changed my life. 

 okay, so staying up super late was so worth sleeping through my class in the morning :)

 and lady and gents, that is wizardry at its finest. 

warning. hold your stomach its so funny.

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Maira Gall